Best Year Yet Career Coaching

How would it feel if you were able to have your ‘best year yet’ professionally?

What would you really love to achieve this year?

Can you remember a time when you were ‘in flow’ and thriving in your chosen career path? If not, then this programme is for you.

Who needs it?

Ambitious senior leaders who want to excel and thrive in their career over a period of 12 months and beyond.

Who needs it?

Ambitious senior leaders who want to excel and thrive in their career over a period of 12 months and beyond.

How is it delivered?

This programme is delivered online or in person (prices may vary), over a series of 12 x 1 hour executive coaching sessions, with one of our 3 Hats career coaching team. You will set professional career goals and be held accountable for achieving them throughout a one-year period.

The Thomas psychometric Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) assessment provides deep insight into your behaviours in a work context and gets underneath the surface in terms of how you like to work and how this might change when you come under pressure. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQ) builds on PPA by providing further rich insight in terms of your emotional intelligence in relation to the general population. This helps you to understand how you can have more influence in a work context especially when it comes to transitioning in your career.

What will the programme deliver?

All 3 Hats coaching is client-centred meaning that you set the agenda of the sessions based on your goals. However, typical areas of exploration and focus include:

  • Goal setting and your ideal outcome
  • Your vision for your future
  • Client discovery…Where have you come from? Where are you now? And where do you want to be?
  • Understanding is everything – Use of psychometrics to understand areas of strength and development
  • Strategies for success
  • Client accountability
  • Measures of success…How will you know you’ve got there?
  • What’s working well? What isn’t? How do we address that?
  • Resources stewardship…How do you use what you have well?
  • Personalised action plan

As part of the delivery of this programme all clients will receive a personalised action plan to help them remain focused on achieving their goals and the actions needed to reach them. This will be cocreated by yourself and the coach.

Our coaches are qualified and certified, giving you the reassurance that you’ll be working with trained thinking partners who will help you achieve significant behaviour change and alignment with your career goals, whether in your current role or a new one.

Programme Timeline

This programme can be delivered over a timeframe of 12 months.

How is it delivered?

By committing to this coaching and advising programme with 3 Hats, you will benefit by reaching your goals by the end of the year giving you a sense of accomplishment and heightened self-confidence and operating to your full potential. Clients often continue to work with 3 Hats after a programme is completed due to the tangible results they achieve by working with our team.


3 Hats can also design and deliver a bespoke programme based on your individual needs and requirements which might not include the areas noted above. Book a consultation call to discuss this with our Founder, Simon Bergenroth.

What Our Clients Say

Some kind words from our respected clients


The 3 Hats career progression programme has been an absolute saviour for me – by identifying and providing your insights to my career challenge, I was able to work with my Co Directors in a positive and transformational way – I quite simply couldn’t have made the leap from ‘passive aggressive’ to the new me without the 3 Hats team. Thank you.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Fortune 500 Company